Tuesday, July 9, 2013

While Looking Down

 The early morning is when I get my "me time". Its not long before the daughter is up so I try to make the most of it. Photography is my passion. I like to take the camera out in the mornings and capture what I can. Have you ever wondered what the world looks like to a bug? Or what you might be stepping on while you are not looking down? What you might miss while you are trying to get a photo of that bird over there or that deer standing on the edge of the woods?  Well here is a look at what I found one morning while looking down.

An inchworm
This beetle ate the tip of the leaf for breakfast

spider web still wet with dew

a moth pretending to be a leaf
A daddy long legged spider with eggs on her legs

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

First day of preschool

                       The daughter started preschool yesterday. She was so excited. It was not the tearful moment everyone kept telling me would happen. I was very happy for her to see her go off into the world and interact with other children her age. The husband and I took her in there together. The moment she walked in she ran up to some random little boy and started hugging him. We peeled her off of him. I think he must have thought he had cooties after that! Then her teacher showed us her cubby and we put her things in it. She had taken off in the meanwhile and started playing. We had to hunt her down to say goodbye and then we only got a half wave goodbye out of her which I think was more of a shoo!

I think someone doesn't want to share his giant legos with some strange girl!
The husband went to work after that.  I went to run some errands. It was a little strange to see the empty car seat in the rear view mirror. So I adjusted the mirror so I could see the traffic behind me instead. I went to Starbucks and got a latte and a muffin, and I didn't have to share it!!  Then I hit every store in the complex that I had been wanting to go in, and I did it in record time! After that I went in Fed Ex to make some faxes and the lady asked me where my daughter was.The daughter makes and impression everywhere we go.  I told her it was her first day of preschool. She laughed and told the other customers "we got a run a way mom in here!"  I sure felt like one! 
  I picked her up later and grilled her about her day on the way home. I asked her if she played with any little girls and if she remembered their names. She did. She said she played with "Mikaela, Abbey, and Zoey.Then she says " the teacher told  us to sit on the floor. then she told me to be quiet...........then she told me to be quiet AGAIN"!  All I could do was laugh!! These teachers are going to be exausted and maybe a little more grey haired!