Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Husbands Outdoor Woodburner Project

So now that we have this big old farmhouse we have big old farmhouse electric and heat bills! Didn't see that coming! We like to heat with wood but this house had oil heat. Thats a new one for me The Husband decided we needed an outdoor wood furnace, only now that we just bought this house we are to broke to buy one, they run about $7,000. He looked at the shaver wood furnace and liked it. Then I threw it out there, "hey, your handy with metal. how much would it cost if you built it yourself?" he said about 1,400.00 Next thing I know he is off to the scrap metal yard. Later that day I look out my kitchen window and see this:

Yes that is what it looks like, a big blue dumpster hanging out of my tree! then I see this:

Why is he on top of it??? I am not surprised anymore of the stuff he gets himself into. This is going to be an interesting project. Now, back to making cookies with The Daughter.

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