Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Homemade Orange Wipes

I am obsessed with orange wipes but they are so expensive. So I made my own!  They cost me $1.00 as opposed to the nearly $5 in the store. Here is how you make them.

First you will  need a big sealed container. Big enough to stuff a roll of paper towels in after you unroll it. I can barely get all the roll in the container I have but after I pour in some solution it shrinks and I can stuff it all in. Also you will need a roll of select a size paper towels. That way you can rip off on small sheet for wiping off the counter or pull out a big gob of them (like for when you clean the outside of the toilet!)
Then you will need some good orange smelling floor mop or 4 in 1 cleaner that kills germs. In a 4 cup measureing cup measure 1/2 cup of the cleaner. I put in a smidgen more.

                                     Then pour some warm water in until it reaches the 4 cup mark.
                                     Now pour it over your paper towels stuffed in the container.
                                                              Wait a while for it to soak in.
                                                              Ta Da !!  Orange wipes!!!

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