Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Blogging from my I phone

I fought it as long as I could, I didn't want to become one of "those" people. however, here I am. Not only do I have an I phone I am now blogging from it. 

It all happened at once a few months ago. My trusty regular phone with the key pad started acting goofy. The 0 button quit working which was not handy for when you need to call 1-800-pay-my-bill. So I took it in to Verizon hoping they could fix it or give me the same phone as replacement. Of course the phone totally died the minute I walked in the Verizon store! No joke! So I had no choice but to walk out of there with something new. Did they have my old phone? No they did not! I got the free upgrade, this I phone. 

Then my laptop broke, which I miss terribly. My camera program and pictures is on it. So until I can get it fixed its just me,this new phone, and its built in camera. Look out world, I am now one of "those people". 


  1. Ha! You caved! (I'm laughing right now because I still have one of those relics with the flip-open screen.)
